

Yourefolio API is REST API. If you want to use Yourefolio API, you need to contact info@yourefolio.com with the name of your company. Yourefolio will reply to your email with API key for your company. That API key will be used for the authentication purpose.

Making Requests

The base URL for all Yourefolio API requests is

If a specific client has API enabled for his private label (PL) site, then base URL will be

The API is built on RESTful principles with resource-oriented URL endpoints. HTTP status codes are used to indicate any API errors and all responses are returned in JSON format (except for SAML authentication which returns authentication response in XML). All requests must be made over an HTTPS connection to ensure a secure transmission of data. Following a RESTful structure, requests should hit API endpoints using the appropriate HTTP method, which will depend on the desired action:

Method Description
GET Use the GET method to retrieve information about your users, their accounts, and any associated financial data. This will always be a read-only request, so queried objects will never be modified by a GET request.
POST Use a POST method to create a new object, such as new notes or tokens. Request parameters should be given in JSON format. The response body will typically return the newly created resource.


              "client_id": "1112",
              "client_name": "John Doe",
              "dateOfBirth": "11/11/1990",
              "email": "testmail@yourefolio.com"
              "client_id": "1124",
              "client_name": "Riddle",
              "dateOfBirth": "11/01/2001",
              "email": "testmail2@yourefolio.com"

All non-empty response bodies, including errors, will be formatted as JSON objects. In general, a successful GET request (or any other request that retrieves data) will return an object with the data contained inside a single key-value pair. This key is always associated with the relevant endpoint. For example, GET /clients will return an object with the list of clients as its value.

If you are fetching multiple entries, such as the previous GET /clients example, the data will be returned as a list. If you are fetching a single entry, such as GET /clients/1124/personal_information, the data will be returned as a single object.

Additionally, Yourefolio's APIs use standard HTTP status codes to indicate the status of a request.

Below is a brief overview of the most common status codes:

Code Definition
200 OK - The request was successful and there is relevant data in the response body.
201 Created - Returned after a new object was created. Typically, the newly created object will be available in the response body.
204 No Content - Usually returned on a DELETE request. This indicates that the object was successfully removed, but there is no actual data to return.
400 Bad Request - There was an issue with the given parameters. This could be due to a missing required field, a malformed parameter, etc.
401 Unauthorized - The API credentials or access token used are incorrect.
403 Forbidden - You do not have access to the requested endpoint or action.
404 Not Found - Returned if the given resource either does not exist or you do not have access to it.
500 Internal Server Error - There are internal or API-related errors on Yourefolio's side. Additional requests will not resolve the issue.
503 Service Unavailable - The targeted endpoint is currently unavailable. This is caused by temporary issues; access to the endpoint will return momentarily.


            "error" => "404",
            "message" => "No Authorized User Found"

If there is an error with your request, a JSON containing an error ID and message will be returned.

The status will always match the returned HTTP status code. While there are unique error IDs and messages, most invalid request errors (400s) will return an id of either invalid_parameter or bad_request. The associated message will detail simple request errors such as missing required fields or improperly formatted date parameters.


The /authenticate endpoint is POST method based, which will require username, password and the API key, to generate a token and an SSO (Single Sign On) key. That token will expire after 2 hours and will be needed to be generated again.

This token will be used when you hit the other API URL’s but the SSO key will never expire. All the communication will be done through tokens.

User can also communicate with rest of endpoints using SSO key, if he/she does not want to create token again and again.

The /saml/authenticate endpoint is SAML based, which will require a username, password and the API key (as a query parameter). After login, it will generate a token and an SSO (Single Sign On) key. After that it will return generated response to your callback URL (that you will need to provide us before using this endpoint).

Example: https://yourCallbackURL?sso=xxxxxxxx

The advisor can then communicate with rest of endpoints using SSO key, if he/she does not want to create token again and again.



        You will hit the ‘/authenticate’ api with POST request by using Postman
        and set the following keys and values:

        name: advisor_user_name (of Yourefolio)
        password : xxxxxxxxx (of Yourefolio)
        api_key : 123abc123abc123abc123abc123abc (provided by Yourefolio)

The endpoint /authenticate will return token which is created by advisor’s username and password provided by POST method. It means that while making a request to this endpoint, advisor will need to provide correct username and password for Yourefolio account. That token will be unique for every advisor.

Response Fields

If request is successful, you will get response shown in right column, under Response Body heading.

              "userId": "1244",
              "token": "802723a4530560cdcba6196f814a962a",
              "singleSignOn": "xxxxxxx",
              "role": {
                  "roleId": "6",
                  "roleName": "paid_advisor"
              "created": "2019-02-14 07:13:09 AM",
              "expiresAt": "2019-02-14 09:13:09 AM"
Name Type Description
userId integer Advisor ID of current advisor.
token string The token created for current logged in advisor. This token can be used for authentication for all upcoming API requests.
singleSignOn string Unique key for each advisor that will never expire.
role Array key Indicates that this array will contain values related to role
roleId string Role id of the current advisor.
roleName string Role name of the current advisor.
created string Time of token creation.
expiresAt string The expiry time of the token.



The endpoint /saml/authenticate will return SSO key after login with username and password provided by advisor. It means that while making a request to this end-point, advisor will need to provide correct username and password for Yourefolio account. That SSO will be unique for each advisor and won’t expire.

After authorization, application will redirect with SSO as parameter:



Yourefolio's /clients end-point represents all the clients under current logged in advisor of Yourefolio. An advisor may have multiple clients. The client_id you will get in this response is primary identifier for clients and will be used to obtain details for all upcoming end-points.

Response Fields

If request is successful, you will get response shown in right column, under Response Body heading.

              "clientId": "1112",
              "name": "John Doe",
              "dateOfBirth": "11/11/1990",
              "email": "testmail@yourefolio.com"
              "clientId": "1124",
              "name": "Riddle",
              "dateOfBirth": "11/01/2001",
              "email": "testmail2@yourefolio.com"
Name Type Description
clientId integer Unique identifier of client's account. This ID will be used to for upcoming detailed end-points.
name string First and Last name of client.
dateOfBirth string The date of birth of client.
email string The email of client (always unique).



The endpoint /clients/{client_id}/personal_information provides detailed information of a client.

Response Fields

If request is successful, you will get response shown in right column, under Response Body heading.

              “firstName” : “Emission”,
              “middleName” : “Ibsen”,
              “lastName” : “Maple”,
              “fullName” : “Emission Ibsen Maple Junior / Senior”,
              “address” : “Test Address 123”,
              “addressLine2” : “Test Address Line 2”,
              “city” : “Washington DC”,
              “dateOfBirth” : “09/09/1990”,
              “gender” : “Male”,
              “contact” : “(012) 345 6789”,
              “zip” : “43345”,
              “state” : “State of ABC”, 
              “county” : “Washington County”,
              “spouseFirstName” : “Julie”,
              “spouseMiddleName” : “Nina”,
              “spouseLastName” : “Katherine”,
              “spouseFullName” : “Julie Nina Katherine Junior / Senior”
              “spouseDateOfBirth” : “01/01/1991”,
              “spouseGender” : “Female”,
              “spouseContact” : “(022) 235 6231”,
              “spouseAddress” : “Test Address 456”,
              “spouseAddressLine2” : “Test Spouse address Line 2”,
              “spouseCity” : “New York”,
              “spouseCounty” : “Doublin”,
              “spouseState” : “New York”,
              “spouseZip” : “43534-2348”,
              “profilePicture” : “Path of profile picture”
Name Type Description
firstName string Client's first name.
middleName string Client's middle name.
lastName string Client's last name.
fullName string Client's full name.
address string Client's address line 1.
addressLine2 string Client's address line 2.
city string City of client
dateOfBirth string Client's date of birth.
gender string Client's gender.
contact string Client's contact number.
county string County name of client.
zip string Client's zip code.
state string Client's state.
spouseFirstName string Client's spouse's first name (empty if name not provided).
spouseMiddleName string Client's spouse's middle name (empty if name not provided).
spouseLastName string Client's spouse's last name (empty if name not provided).
spouseFullName string Client's spouse's full name.
spouseDateOfBirth string Client's spouse's date of birth.
spouseGender string Client's spouse's gender.
spouseContact string Contact number of Spouse.
spouseAddress string Spouse Address line 1.
spouseAddressLine2 string Spouse Address Line 2.
spouseCity string City name of Spouse.
spouseCounty string County name of Spouse.
spouseState string State name of Spouse.
spouseZip string Zip Code of Spouse.
profilePicture string Path of Client's profile picture. This value would be empty if profile picture is not uploaded.



The endpoint /clients/{client_id}/authorized_user provides details of authorized users of a client.

Response Fields

If request is successful, you will get response shown in right column, under Response Body heading.

              “firstName” : “Authorized”,
              “middleName” : “User”,
              “lastName” : “Name”,
              "fullName" : “Authorized User Name Example 2”,
              “contact” : “(009) 912 3456”,
              “email” : “abc2@example.com”,
              “relationToAccountHolder” : “Insurance Provider”,
              “address” : “Test Address 123”,
              “addressLine2” : “Test Address Line 2”,
              “city” : “Washington DC”,
              “state” : “State of ABC”,
              “zip” : “12345”,
              “gender” : “Male”,
              “fid”:  1726
              “firstName” : “Authorized”,
              “middleName” : “User”,
              “lastName” : “Name”,
              "fullName" : “Authorized User Name Example”,
              “contact” : “(009) 912 3456”,
              “email” : “abc@example.com”,
              “relationToAccountHolder” : “Insurance Provider”,
              “address” : “Test Address 123”,
              “addressLine2” : “Test Address Line 2”,
              “city” : “Washington DC”,
              “state” : “State of ABC”,
              “zip” : “12345”,
              “gender” : “Male”,
              “fid”: 1727
Name Type Description
firstName string Authorized user's first name.
middleName string Authorized user's middle name.
lastName string Authorized user's last name.
fullName string Authorized user's full name.
contact string Authorized user's contact number.
email string Authorized user's email address.
relationToAccountHolder string Authorized user's relationship with current client, indicating professional credibility of authorized user.
address string Authorized user's address line 1.
addressLine2 string Authorized user's address line 2.
city string City of Authorized user.
state string Authorized user's state.
zip string Authorized user's zip code.
gender string Authorized user's gender.
fid integer Unique identifier for this record.



The endpoint /clients/{client_id}/financial_assets provides details of financial assets of a client.

Response Fields

If request is successful, you will get response shown in right column, under Response Body heading.

            "bankAccount": {
              "accountTitle":"Account 1 owner",
              "bankName":"Bank account 1",
              "hasEstateTax": true,
              "fid": 8004,
            "bankAccount": {
              "accountTitle":"Account owner 2",
              "bankName":"Bank account 2",
              "hasEstateTax": false,
              "fid": 8005
            "investmentAccount": {
              "accountType":"Investment type 1",
              "institutionName":"First investment account name",
              "accountTitle":"Account owner name detail",
              "hasEstateTax": true,
              "fid": 8006
            "investmentAccount": {
              "accountType":"Investment account 2 types",
              "institutionName":"Name of second investment account",
              "title":"Second investment account owner",
              "hasEstateTax": false,
              "fid": 8007
            "home": {
              "mortgageHolder":"First home mortgage holder",
              "address":"Address of home 1",
              "hasEstateTax": false,
              "fid": 8008
            "otherProperties": {
              "mortgageHolder":"Other property 1 mortgage holder",
              "description":"Details of other property 1",
              "address":"Address of other property 1",
              "hasEstateTax": false,
              "fid": 8010
            "autos": {
              "mortgageHolder":"Ferrari loan holder",
              "accountTitle":"Account owner name",
              "hasEstateTax": false,
              "fid": 8012
            "jewelry": {
              "jewelryItems":"Blue Diamond",
              "hasEstateTax": false,
              "fid": 8015
            "collectibleCoins": {
              "description":"Coins description 1",
              "accountTitle":"Account owner name",
              "hasEstateTax": false,
              "fid": 8016
            "paintings": {
              "description":"Mona Liza",
              "accountTitle":"Account owner name",
              "hasEstateTax": false,
              "fid": 8018
            "cardCollections": {
              "description":"Card collection 1",
              "accountTitle":"Account owner name",
              "hasEstateTax": false,
              "fid": 8020
            "otherValuables": {
              "description":"Other valuables ",
              "accountTitle":"Account owner name",
              "hasEstateTax": false,
              "fid": 8021
            "worth_calculations": {
              "netWorth": 20972342187.33,
              "taxableNetWorth": 454564570702,
              "federalTax": 22400000,
              "federalTaxExemptionAmount":  24120000,
              "federalTaxBaseTaxAmount":  345000,
              "federalTaxMarginRate":  40,
              "stateTax": 0,
              "stateTaxExemptionAmount": 3000000,
              "stateTaxBaseTaxAmount": 1355000,
              "stateTaxMarginRate": 16,
              "trustsNetWorth": 0,
              "federalEstateTax": 181816525280.80002,
              "stateEstateTax": 72729590312.32,
              "hasStateTax": true,
Name Type Description
bankAccount Array key Indicates that this array will contain values related to bank accounts section.
value string Amount of the bank account.
accountTitle string Account owner full name.
bankName string Full name of the bank.
hasEstateTax boolean Is personal banking account taxable to estate.
investmentAccount Array key Indicates that following array record belongs to investment/retirements accounts section.
accountType string Type of account.
institutionName string Full name of financial institution.
accountNumber string Account number.
value string Account's total amount.
accountTitle string Account owner's full name.
hasEstateTax boolean Is investment account taxable to estate.
home Array key Indicates that this array will contain values related to home section.
value string Approximate value of of home.
mortgageHolder string Mortgage holder of the property.
mortgageBalance string Approximate balance of mortgage.
address string Full address of the home.
hasEstateTax boolean Is home taxable to estate.
otherProperties Array key Indicates that following array record belongs to other properties accounts section.
value string Approximate value of the property.
mortgageHolder string Mortgage holder of the property.
mortgageBalance string Approximate balance of the mortgage.
description string Description of the property.
address string Address of the property.
hasEstateTax boolean Is other property taxable to estate.
autos Array key Indicates that this array will contain values related to autos.
vehicleType string Type of the vehicle.
mortgageHolder string Loan holder of the vehicle.
mortgageBalance string Loan balance of the vehicle
value string Approximate value of the vehicle.
accountTitle string Account owner's full name.
hasEstateTax boolean Is vehicle taxable to estate.
jewelry Array key Indicates that following array record belongs to jewelry section.
value string Approximate value of jewelry item.
jewelryItems string Type of jewelry.
accountTitle string Full name of account owner.
hasEstateTax boolean Is jewelry taxable to estate.
collectibleCoins Array key Indicates that following array record belongs to collectible coins section.
value string Approximate value of coins collection.
description string Description of coins collection.
accountTitle string Full name of account owner.
hasEstateTax boolean Is coins taxable to estate.
paintings Array key Indicates that following array record belongs to paintings section.
value string Approximate value of painting.
description string Description of painting.
accountTitle string Full name of account owner.
hasEstateTax boolean Is painting taxable to estate.
cardCollections Array key Indicates that following array record belongs to card collection section.
value string Approximate value of card collection.
description string Description of card collection.
accountTitle string Full name of account owner.
hasEstateTax boolean Is card collection taxable to estate.
otherValuables Array key Indicates that following array record belongs to other valuables section.
value string Approximate value of valuable item.
description string Description of the valuable.
accountTitle string Full name of account owner.
hasEstateTax boolean Is valueable taxable to estate.
worth_calculations Array key Indicates that following array contains calculations of client's net worth (according to Yourefolio's formulas).
netWorth string Total net worth of client.
taxableNetWorth string Taxable net worth of client.
federalTax string Applicable federal tax (only applies if client has spouse).
federalTaxExemptionAmount string Federal tax exemption amount of client.
federalTaxBaseTaxAmount string Federal base tax amount of client.
federalTaxMarginRate string Federal tax margin rates of client.
stateTax string Applicable state tax (varies w.r.t. different states).
stateTaxExemptionAmount string Applicable state tax exemption amount.
stateTaxBaseTaxAmount string Applicable state tax base tax amount.
stateTaxMarginRate string Applicable state tax margin rates.
trustsNetWorth string Total net worth of trusts of client.
federalEstateTax string Federal estate tax of client.
stateEstateTax string State estate tax of client.
hasStateTax string Is applicable state tax.



The endpoint /clients/{client_id}/business_interests provides details of business interests of a client.

Response Fields

If request is successful, you will get response shown in right column, under Response Body heading.

              "name":"Business name",
              "owner":"Business owner",
              "hasEstateTax": true,
              "fid": 8022,
              "name":"Business name 2",
              "owner":"Business owner 2",
              "hasEstateTax": false,
              "fid": 8023
Name Type Description
name string Name of the business
value string Approximate worth of the business.
owner string Full name of business owner.
hasEstateTax boolean Is business taxable to estate.
fid integer Unique identifier for this record.



The endpoint /clients/{client_id}/life_insurance provides details of life insurance of a client.

Response Fields

If request is successful, you will get response shown in right column, under Response Body heading.

              “type” : “Insurance Type”,
              “deathBenefit” : “25000”,
              “value” : “2022200”
              “owner” : “Owner of Account”,
              “annualIncome” : “1000000”,
              "hasEstateTax": true,
              “fid”: 1726,
              “type” : “Insurance Type 2”,
              “deathBenefit” : “201200”,
              “value” : “10000"”
              “owner” : “Owner of Account”,
              “annualIncome” : “2000000”,
              "hasEstateTax": false,
              “fid”: 1730,
Name Type Description
type string Type of insurance.
deathBenefit string Death benefit associated with the policy.
value string Cash value of the policy.
owner string Full name of life insurance owner.
annualIncome string Annual income of the client from all sources.
hasEstateTax boolean Is life insurance taxable to estate.
fid integer Unique identifier for this record.



The endpoint /clients/{client_id}/pension_survivor_benefits provides details of pensions and survivor benefits of a client.

Response Fields

If request is successful, you will get response shown in right column, under Response Body heading.

            "pensionBenefits": {
              "hasSurvivorBenefit": "TRUE",
              "type": "Pension type 1",
              "pensionProvider": "Pension provider",
              "address": "Address of attorney",
              "amount": "100000",
              "owner": "Pension Account owner",
              "accountTitle": "2 - Owned jointly with spouse (joint with rights of survivorship)",
              "hasEstateTax": true,
              "fid": 8023
            "survivorBenefits": {
              "location": "Location of survivor 1",
              "value": "20000",
              "owner": "Jack Samuel",
              "accountTitle": "4 - Owned by account holders trust",
              "description": "This is description of survivor benefit",
              "hasEstateTax": false,
              "fid": 8024
Name Type Description
pensionBenefits Array key Indicates that this array will contain values related to pension section.
hasSurvivorBenefit boolean Do you have pension account?
type string Type of pension benefit.
pensionProvider string Name of pension carrier.
address string Address of the carrier company.
amount string What is the transferable amount associated with that pension.
owner string Owner of the pension account.
accountTitle string Title of the trust document.
hasEstateTax boolean Is pension account taxable to estate.
survivorBenefits Array key Indicates that this array will contain values related to survivor benefit section.
location string Location of the survivor benefit.
value string Value of the survivor benefit account.
owner string Name of owner of survivor benefit account.
accountTitle string Title of the suvivor benefit document.
description string Description of the suvivor benefit.
hasEstateTax boolean Is survivor taxable to estate.
fid integer Unique identifier for this record.



The endpoint /clients/{client_id}/beneficiary provides details of beneficiaries of a client.

Response Fields

If request is successful, you will get response shown in right column, under Response Body heading.

              "middleName" : “Samuel”,
              "lastName" : "Doe",
              "fullName:"John Samuel Doe Senior",
              "contact":"(123) 123-1231",
              "address":"47000 Warm Springs Blvd",
              "hasOtherSelectedRelationship": true,
              "beneficiaryStatus":"From marriage",
              "fid": 1218
              "middleName" : "Wayne",
              "lastName" : “Downy”,
              "fullName":"Mark Wayne Downy",
              "contact":"(098) 765-4321",
              "address":"53 Lafayette Rd",
              "addressLine2":"Somewhere else",
              "hasOtherSelectedRelationship": fakse,
              "beneficiaryStatus":"From another marriage or relationship",
              "fid": 1219
Name Type Description
firstName string Beneficiary's first name.
middleName string Beneficiary's middle name.
lastName string Beneficiary's last name.
suffix string Beneficiary's name suffix.
fullName string Beneficiary's full name.
dateOfBirth string Beneficiary's date of birth.
contact string Beneficiary's contact number.
email string Beneficiary's email address.
relation string Beneficiary's relationship with current client.
address string Beneficiary's address line 1.
addressLine2 string Beneficiary's address line 2.
city string City of Beneficiary.
state string Beneficiary's state.
zip string Beneficiary's zip code.
beneficiaryRelationship string Beneficiary's relationship with client, like Father, Son, Son-in-law, daughter etc.
hasOtherSelectedRelationship boolean Is other type selected in beneficiary relationship?
gender string Beneficiary's gender.
beneficiaryStatus string Beneficiary's status.
beneficiaryStatusOther string Beneficiary's other status.
fid integer Unique identifier for this record.



The endpoint /clients/{client_id}/long_term_care_insurance provides details of long term care insurance of a client.

Response Fields

If request is successful, you will get response shown in right column, under Response Body heading.

            "hasLongTermCare": true,
            "cashLimit": 2000.10,
            "value": 25000,
            "fid": 802
            "hasLongTermCare": true,
            "cashLimit": 3000,
            "value": 35000.64,
            "fid": 805
Name Type Description
hasLongTermCare boolean Do you have long term care insurance?
cashLimit float Maximum cash limit associated with respective insurance, on daily basis.
value float Cash value of respective long term care insurance.
fid integer Unique identifier for this record.



The endpoint /clients/{client_id}/legal provides details of wills and trusts of a client.

Response Fields

If request is successful, you will get response shown in right column, under Response Body heading.

            "wills": {
              "accountTitle": "Will of client",
              "description": "This contains will of John Doe",
              "fid": 579
            "trusts": {
              "accountTitle": "Trust of client",
              "description": "This contains trust details of John Doe",
              "assignedAssets": null,
              "netWorth": null,
              "fid": 5792
            "trustedAgents": {
              "fullName": "Trusted agent name",
              "contact": "Trusted agent phone number",
              "address": Trusted agent address,
              "roles": Trusted agent role,
              "fid": 5792
Name Type Description
wills Array key This indicates that value inside this array will belong to Wills type section of the client.
accountTitle string Title of Will document.
description string Details of the Will document
trusts Array key This indicates that value inside this array will belong to Trust section of the client.
accountTitle string Title of Trust document.
description string Details of the Trust document
assignedAssets string Assigned assets of the Trust document
netWorth string Total net worth of the Trust document
fid integer Unique identifier for this record.
trustedAgents Array key This indicates that value inside this array will belong to Trust section of the client.
fullName string Trusted agent name of the client.
contact string Trusted agent phone number of the client.
address string Trusted agent address of the client.
roles string Trusted agent role of the client.
fid integer Unique identifier for this record.



The endpoint /clients/{client_id}/general is a generic end-point that will return results of following API end-points, in single generic multi-dimensional array:



The endpoint /clients/{client_id}/notes can be used to fetch and add notes in the Client Relationship Manager (CRM) in Yourefolio system by using the GET method (for fetching) and POST method (for adding) with your authentication token or SSO key.


To add notes in Yourefolio system, you will create a JSON POST request to add notes in CRM with key notes. You will need to provide the note title, note description, note action, and date values.

For sampel request body, look at right panel under heading Sample Body Data (POST).

          "notes": [
              "note_title": "note title one",
              "note_notes": "note desc",
              "note_action": "email",
              "date": "12/12/2019"
              "note_title": "note title two",
              "note_notes": "note desc",
              "note_action": "reminder",
              "date": "12/12/2019"
              "note_title": "note title 3",
              "note_notes": "note desc",
              "note_action": "email",
              "date": "12/12/2022"


To fetch notes from Yourefolio system, you will make a GET request.

For sampel request response, look at right panel under heading Response Body (GET).

            "title": "note title one",
            "note": "note desc",
            "action": "email",
            "date": "12/12/2019"
            "title": "note title two",
            "note_": "note desc",
            "action": "reminder",
            "date": "12/12/2019"
            "title": "note title 3",
            "note": "note desc",
            "action": "email",
            "date": "12/12/2022"
Name Type Description
title string Full title of the note.
note string Detailed description of the note.
action string Action type of the note. This can be Call, Meeting, Email, Video Conference or Other.
date string Date for the note.



The endpoint /clients/{client_id}/hippa provides Hippa information of the client by his ID.

Response Fields

If request is successful, you will get response shown in right column, under Response Body heading.

              “healthCareProvider” : “National Health Service”,
              “groupNumber” : “192”,
              “identificationNumber” : “633”,
              “medicalCondition” : “any medical condition”,
              “serviceNumber” : “869”,
              “contact” : “(901) 119-3082”,
              “address” : “H # 30, 54 Harward Street”,
              “coverageType” : “Coverage Type of Hippa”,
              “fid” : 15097,
Name Type Description
healthCareProvider string Current health care provider of client.
groupNumber string Group number of hippa of client.
identificationNumber string Identification number of hippa of client.
medicalCondition string Medical condition of client.
serviceNumber string Service number of hippa of client.
contact string Phone number of client.
address string Complete address of client.
coverageType string Type of supplemental coverage of hippa of client.
fid integer Unique identifier of record.



The endpoint /clients/{client_id}/miscellaneous provides miscellaneous information of the client by his ID.

Response Fields

If request is successful, you will get response shown in right column, under Response Body heading.

              “name” : “Name of pet”,
              “type” : “Type of pet”,
              “details” : “Details of pet”,
              “fid” : 15175,
Name Type Description
name string Name of pet of client.
type string Type of pet of client.
details string Details of pet of client.
fid integer Unique identifier of record.



The endpoint /clients/get-taxes provides all taxes of the client by his ID and networth.

Response Fields

If request is successful, you will get response shown in right column, under Response Body heading.

          "worth_calculations": {
            "federalEstateTax": 181816525812,
            "stateEstateTax": 72729590524.8,
            "hasStateTax": true
Name Type Description
worth_calculations Object key Indicates that this object will contain values related to net worth calculations.
netWorth string Total net worth of client.
federalTax string Applicable federal tax of client.
stateTax string Applicable state tax of client.
federalEstateTax integer Federal estate tax of client.
stateEstateTax integer State estate tax of client.
hasStateTax boolean Is applicable for state tax.



The endpoint /clients/{client_id}/advisor provides concise information of the advisor of a client.

Response Fields

If request is successful, you will get response shown in right column, under Response Body heading.

              “advisorName” : “John Doe”,
              “advisorEmail” : “john.doe@yourefolio.com”,
              “advisorPhoneNumber” : “(219) 306-2358”,
              “advisorAddress” : “178 Cleveland Rd, Street 9”,
              “advisorAddressLine2” : “Ohio, UK”,
              “advisorCity” : “Cleveland”,
              “advisorState” : “Maryland”,
              “advisorZipCode” : “44130”,
              “advisorCounty” : “Washington County”,
Name Type Description
advisorName string Full name of advisor.
advisorEmail string Email of advisor.
advisorPhoneNumber string Phone number of advisor.
advisorAddress string Street address of advisor. This contains 1st street address.
advisorAddressLine2 string Street address of advisor. This contains 2nd street address.
advisorCity string City of advisor.
advisorState string State of advisor.
advisorZipCode string Zip code of advisor.
advisorCounty string County name of advisor.



The endpoint /advisor/{advisor_id}/details provides detailed information of the advisor by his ID.

Response Fields

If request is successful, you will get response shown in right column, under Response Body heading.

              “firstName” : “George”,
              “middleName” : “M.”,
              “lastName” : “Angler”,
              “advisorName” : “George M. Angler”,
              “advisorEmail” : “georgem@yourefolio.com”,
              “advisorPhoneNumber” : “(901) 119-3082”,
              “advisorAddress” : “H # 30, 54 Harward Street”,
              “advisorAddressLine2” : “Ohio UK”,
              “advisorCity” : “New York”,
              “advisorState” : “New York”,
              “advisorZipCode” : “44130”,
              “advisorCounty” : “Washington County”,
              “title” :
                  “Registered Representative”,
                  “Financial Advisor”
              “crdNumber” : “186e3”,
              “cfpNumber” : “x9873kj”,
              “attorneyNumber” : “234809”,
              “stateInsuranceLicenseNumber” : “348230984”,
              “otherNumber” : 908923849,
Name Type Description
firstName string First name of advisor.
middleName string Middle name of advisor.
lastName string Last name of advisor.
advisorName string Full name of advisor.
advisorEmail string Email of advisor.
advisorPhoneNumber string Phone number of advisor.
advisorAddress string Street address of advisor. This contains 1st street address.
advisorAddressLine2 string Street address of advisor. This contains 2nd street address.
advisorCity string City of advisor.
advisorState string State of advisor.
advisorZipCode string Zip code of advisor.
advisorCounty string County name of advisor.
title array An array of titles of advisor.
crdNumber string CRD number of advisor.
cfpNumber string CFP number of advisor.
attorneyNumber string Attorney number of advisor.
stateInsuranceLicenseNumber string State insurance license number of advisor.
otherNumber string Other number of advisor.